Sunday, December 4, 2016

What is IoT?

What is IoT. Internet of things or devices connected to internet.

In simple words the devices which are connected to internet, interact with each other, collect and exchange data. A device is connected to internet can be controlled or operated by remote control room.


Necessity is the mother of invention, Retail industry were struggling to track the items, inventory, to meet demand and supply. Researchers at MIT found a way to improve Procter and Gamble business by linking RFID info to the internet, and also with the invention of RFID, internet led to the era of IoT.

Term IoT was first coined by Peter T Lewis in 1985 speech to FCC, he said “IoT is the integration of people, processes and technology with connectable devices”.
Kevin Ashton is one of key member in development of IoT, while working at MITs autoID lab developed technique to linking RFID information to the internet.  Ashton wrote:
“RFID and sensor technology enable computers to observe, identify and understand the world—without the limitations of human-entered data”

Though its simple automation solution at that time but not simple anymore now.

Bottom line of IoT are automation, no human intervention, less errors, improve productivity, machine to machine communications, cost savings.

Things which make IoT to work: (Sensor | IP number | Internet | Cloud | You)

Actually its convergence of multiple technologies makes IoT to work. But here are the main components of IoT:
Sensor:a device that detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it” – wiki. It can any sensor heat, pressure, bio, touch, … if you don’t know, your (human) body is full of sensors!!
IP number: thanks to IPv6, without this it’s tough to implement IoT. IPv6 is based on 128 bit address so theoretically 2 ^ 128 addresses. Based on ipv6 we can assign a unique number to each device.
Internet:  another major component through this we transfer data or communicate.
Cloud: via internet we store the sensor data, process and analyze it
You: you or smart phone or machine will have the information about a device. You will decide what to do with that data.

Here is a hypothetical scenario of how above components work together:
You have installed a temp monitor Sensor at your home. Sensor detects that air temperature inside your home is above 85 deg F. Sensor has connected to internet, so it will send data to cloud. Your smartphone is hooked up to cloud data or registered to receive alert from cloud. So on cloud you have logic if data of air temperature rise above certain level you inform registered devices. So you get an alert notification. You can respond to that alert by saying to reduce the temperature.  In reverse order signal goes to cloud, cloud to sensor via internet and sensor reduces the temperature.

IoT is heavily used in Industrial automation, Health care, Power & Utilities and many other. You can even monitor your refrigerator too.

Create your own IoT device:

With little effort you can create your own IoT device. I have listed things you need to create a device.

Scripting/Programming language. (ex: Python, C)
You need to know a scripting\programming language. With very basics if else conditions you can create script to-do on and off functionality.  If you need here is the link to learn python.

Basics of Electronics
You should know basics of electronics like voltage, current, resistors, capacitors and couple others. Here is the link if you need to learn or brush up.

Arduino or Raspberry pi
Both are often misunderstood about the usage. Here is basic difference of them:
Arduino is a microcontroller / basic computer, you can run just one program at a time. (Costs around 20$)
Raspberry pi is full-fledged computer with Linux OS. You can run multiple programs at a time. (Costs around 35$)

I suggest you start with Arduino, because it’s simple and easy to learn.

Download Arduino IDE:
Buy Arduino basic controller