Monday, August 28, 2017

Digital Image Processing in a minute!

Digital Image Processing


What is DIP?

DIP means, processing digital images by means of a digital computer using math’s\signal processing algorithms. Digital image (jpg, png, gif, video’s) is nothing but a two dimensional array of pixels, basically a grid which contains RGB values.  Images can be generated by using Electromagnetic spectrum like visible light, X-rays, Gamma rays and also other waves like Acoustic (ultrasound).


Why DIP?

Simple answer, Automation & to Sense the information out of it.
a)   You want to search your baby\most cherished moment photos in the middle of hundreds of photos in your laptop instantly.
b)   FBI wants to track a fugitive criminal, they can scan automatically scan his photo against CCTVs across airport, streets …
c)    If Robots want to help humans in automation, it has learn to recognize humans, objects, animals etc.
d)   If you want to board airplane by just showing your face, no more boarding pass. DIP scans your face, processes and authenticates you.
e)   Instagram, Snapchat all making money because of DIP – filters
f)    Robots, can quickly take the inventory count for you.
The list goes on…

Processes inside DIP:

Inside Image processing series of process goes on, you can transform images from grayscale to color, apply filters, enhance the image color, delete a part of the images etc. They are as follow:
  1. Image Grabbing or acquisition
  2. Image Preprocessing
  3. Image Enhancement
  4. Image Compression
  5. Image Segmentation
  6. Image Representation and feature extraction
  7. Image Recognition and interpretation.

Image Compression, is a technique to compress and decompress the images\videos, may be lossy or lossless.
Image segmentation is the process of subdividing the given image into its constituent parts or objects. Basically identifying the edges in the images.
Image Restoration is a process that attempts to reconstruct or recover an image that has been degraded by using a priori knowledge of the degradation phenomenon.


Image processing is part of parcel of modern human life. It started slowly with image transfer from London to New York in 1920’s, later with the advancement of computers, field of image processing is growing exponentially.
Image processing can solve lot of problems, improve human living standards, automate routine stuffs, etc.


Digital Image Processing (3rd Edition) by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods